
Location:Application > Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella cheese is native to southern Italy Campania and Naples local production of a mild cheese.

Traditional mozzarella cheese is made from buffalo, and modern industrial production is mostly made from ordinary milk. Ordinary milk products are light yellow in color and contain about 50% cream . Authentic buffalo products are very white in color and have a thin, shiny shell. When the mozzarella is immature, the texture is very supple, very elastic and easy to slice. The maturity period is about 1 to 3 days. After maturity, it becomes quite soft and the flavor is enhanced, but then it deteriorates rapidly and the shelf life usually does not exceed 1 week.

Mozzarella made from buffalo is suitable for individual tasting, while the milk-produced mozzarella is usually paired with other foods such as tomatoes to highlight the rich milky aroma. Mozzarella becomes very viscous after heating, can pull out a lot of silk, is the preferred cheese for pizza. In China, mozzarella is also often used to make specialties such as cheese ribs and cheese risotto.

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