
Location:Product > Pectin


Pectin is a natural product found in the cell walls of all higher plants and has long been used in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries due to gelation, thickening and stabilizing properties.

Pectin is a natural component of the human diet and is found in fruits and vegetables but does not contribute significantly to nutrition, and recognized to be one of the most important sources of label-friendly stabilizers and dietary fiber by consumers worldwide.

Scientific research has shown that the consumption of pectin can lower the cholesterol content in the blood. This mechanism appears to be an increase in intestinal viscosity, resulting in reduced absorption of cholesterol in bile or food. In the large intestine and colon, microbes degrade pectin and release short-chain fatty acids (prebiotic effects) that have a positive impact on health.

Pectin is usually classified according to the degree of methoxylation ( DM). The degree of methoxylation is expressed as the percentage of esterified galacturonic acid unit and total galacturonic acid units in the pectin molecule. It affects the properties of pectin, especially solubility and gel formation properties.



High methoxyl pectin

小气泡.png Improve protein stability

小气泡.png  Enhanced flavor release

小气泡.png  Improve product taste

小气泡.png  Good thermal stability

       Low methoxyl pectin

      小星星.png  Improve the gel and taste

       小星星.png  Enhanced flavor release

       小星星.png  reducing whey precipitation

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